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Definition of Outsourcing
Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires another company or an individual to perform tasks, handle operations or provide services that are either usually executed or had previously been done by the company's own employees.
The outside company, which is known as the service provider or a third-party provider, arranges for its own workers or computer systems to perform the tasks or services either on site at the hiring company's own facilities or at external locations.
Companies today can outsource a number of tasks or services. They often outsource information technology services, including programming and application development as well as technical support. They frequently outsource customer service and call service functions. They can outsource other types of work as well, including manufacturing processes, human resources tasks and financial functions such as bookkeeping and payroll. Companies can outsource entire divisions, such as its entire IT department, or just parts of a particular department.
Outsourcing business functions is sometimes called contracting out or business process outsourcing.
Outsourcing can involve using a large third-party provider, such as a company like IBM to manage IT services or FedEx Supply Chain for third-party logistics services, but it can also involve hiring individual independent contractors and temporary office workers.

Reasons for Outsourcing
Companies often outsource as a way to lower costs, improve efficiencies and gain speed. Companies that decide to outsource rely on the third-party providers' expertise in performing the outsourced tasks to gain such benefits. The underlying principle is that because the third-party provider focuses on that particular task, it is able to do it better, faster and cheaper than the hiring company could.
Given such benefits, companies often decide to outsource supporting functions within their businesses so they can focus their resources more specifically on their core competencies, thereby helping them gain competitive advantages in the market.
However, some companies decide to outsource for other reasons.
For example, they outsource because they're unable to hire in-house workers with the specialized skills and experience needed to perform certain jobs.
Companies sometimes opt to outsource as a way to shift meeting regulatory requirements or obligations to the third-party provider.
Furthermore, more companies are looking to outsourcing providers as innovation centers. According to Deloitte's 2016 outsourcing survey, 35% of respondents said they are focused on measuring innovation value in their outsourcing partnerships.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing
In the right context and deployed shrewdly, outsourcing can be a fantastic way for small business owners to improve efficiencies and bolster their company’s bottom line. But that doesn’t mean the practice isn’t without its own disadvantages, too. Outsourcing isn’t right for every situation, and so you’ve got to think long and hard before investing time and energy in farming out work.
To help you get started, here are 20 advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing from your small business.
Advantages of Outsourcing
1. You Get More Experts
Your core team might be fantastic at a few things, but nobody is perfect at everything. By outsourcing particular tasks, companies are often able to substantially improve performance by drawing on the niche skills of experts in certain fields.
2. Things Get Done Fast
One of the top reasons small businesses tend to outsource work is because it will get done quicker. If you’re working with a limited number of staff members, you can get things done a whole lot quicker by passing time-consuming tasks on to freelancers or external agencies.
3. You’re Able to Focus on What Matters
Another benefit of outsourcing tasks is enhanced freedom. By passing on supporting processes, you’ll be able to concentrate your skills on strengthening and improving the core processes that help make your business tick.
4. You Can Share Some Risk
One of the most important factors in any project is risk assessment and analysis. By outsourcing certain campaigns or processes on to experts in their respective fields, you will benefit from their enhanced ability to plan and mitigate potential risks.
5. You Can Reduce Costs
As one might imagine, outsourcing piecemeal work is almost always going to be cheaper than hiring permanent full time staff. Not only will you save time and money on recruitment, but your profit will also be extended than s to shorter overheads.
6. You Can Work Around the Clock
One major benefit of outsourcing digital work overseas is the substantial differences you might encounter in terms of time zones and holidays. Although this can pose an initial hurdle logistically, once overcome it can effectively mean your business is running even while you’re fast asleep.
7. You Can Simplify Project Management
If you choose to outsource work via a wide range of specialist freelance websites and online services, you’re often provided dynamic and intuitive platforms that will help you to effectively manage what’s being done, when it’s due for submission and how it will be paid. Most of this can be automated, freeing up your time for more important work.
8. You Simplify Work Relationships
Quite a few small business teams are tight-knit groups of friends and family — which is fantastic. But when you’re incredibly close to your staff members, it can also lead to issues when work isn’t being done up to par. By outsourcing work, you’ll typically be able to minimize work relationships to simple, contractual arrangements.
9. Efforts Are More Targeted
Another overlooked advantage of outsourcing is that it enables you to plan and execute more effective, targeted campaigns and projects that you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to take on. This gives your business the chance to take new risks and experiment with different methods of exposure.
10. You Get Peace of Mind
At the end of the day, choosing to outsource with a reliable individual or agency should give you peace of mind that tasks are being handled expertly and efficiently without you having to worry or lift a finger. What could be better?
Disadvantages of Outsourcing
1. You Lose Some Control
As you might expect, when you farm work out to external agencies or freelancers, you’re losing control of how those tasks are being monitored and performed. So long as you know and trust who you’ve hired, that shouldn’t be a huge issue – but you’ve got to tread carefully.
2. There are Hidden Costs
Although outsourcing work is generally considered cheaper, yo must also beware of getting ripped off. Outsourcing companies or big agencies will typically ask small business owners to sign lengthy contractual agreements, and they’ll include plenty of fine print. If you don’t read the terms carefully, you could get hit with unexpected costs.
3. There are Security Risks
In this age of data protection, it’s essential that you exercise caution whenever using customer data. If you plan to outsource processes that require personal data, you could be placing the privacy of others or security of your business at risk by passing that data on to other people.
4. You Reduce Quality Control
Outsourcing companies and some freelancers may often be motivated by profit rather than a job well done. That means the work you send out may come back quickly, but will lack the standard and qualitythat customers have come to expect from your products or services.
5. You Share Financial Burdens
Although it can be nice to bring in expert agencies to share in risks, it can be pretty dangerous to tie your business to the financial well-being of another company. Again, you’ve got to spell out any and all terms and conditions in contractual arrangements plainly – because you don’t want to take a financial hit if they fail to deliver.
6. You Risk Public Backlash
If you’re taking work overseas (even just to write a blog or two), your business very well may run into ill will from consumers that have taken a moral stance against outsourcing. Right or wrong, for better or for worse, some form of criticism is often inevitable.
7. You Shift Time Frames
One major disadvantage of outsourcing particular tasks is the risk that your freelancers or partner agency may be marching to the beat of a different drum. As a result, it might be difficult to synchronize schedules in order to ensure your customers receive what’s promised to them on a reliable timeline.
8. You Can Lose Your Focus
Because many outsourcing agencies or freelancers tend to service multiple clients at any given time, the work you’re sending out may not be receiving the focus it deserves. Depending on the processes you’re outsourcing, that lack of focus could be detrimental to your small business.
9. Things Get Lost in Translation
It doesn’t matter whether you’re dealing with overseas freelancers or some talented expert just up the street – but if you’re handing out remote work via email or telephone, important instructions are often lost in translation. That could cause you serious time, money and hassle.
10. You May Face Moral Dilemmas
While it may not be an issue for everyone, a major disadvantage of outsourcing is that you may be denying your team or a talented local agency crucial work or development opportunities. Growth begets growth, and by outsourcing work, you may not be contributing to the growth of your community.


0 Pentingnya Bahasa Inggris di dalam Dunia IT dan Sistem Informasi

Sebagai bahasa universal, penggunaan dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi suatu hal yang mutlak dipelajari bagi seseorang dalam merespon dan menghadapi tantangan yang muncul pada abad ke-21 ini.

Sebagai alat komunikasi, bahasa Inggris telah digunakan oleh sekitar 400 juta orang dari negara yang berbahasa Inggris dan 600 juta hingga satu milyar orang dari negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua mereka. Selain itu, hampir 80% komunikasi bisnis di seluruh dunia pun menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa komunikasi. Hampir semua konferensi internasional dan kompetisi menggunakan bahasa Inggris bahkan, para politisi dan diplomat dari negara yang bukan berbahasa Inggris pun berkomunikasi dengan bahasa universal tersebut mengingat bahasa itu merupakan bahasa utama dari organisasi internasional dan bisnis.

Pada abad 21 ini, aspek informasi dan teknologi berkembang sangat pesat. Salah satu produk teknologi yaitu internet, misalnya telah menggunakan bahasa Inggris pada lebih dari satu milyar halamannya untuk  memberikan informasi dalam websitenya. Hal ini dikarenakan bahasa Inggris telah menjadi bahasa universal, tak sekadar bagi manusia, namun juga pada internet. Bahasa ini telah memberikan kesempatan bagi manusia untuk mengakses informasi dalam internet tersebut.

Dalam dunia bisnis sendiri penting sekali untuk kita memiliki kemampuan menguasai Bahasa inggris,  kita memiliki asset yang sangat berharga untuk kita jadikan portofolio sehingga mampu menarik para rekan bisnis kita. Kita mampu bersaing dengan negara-negara lain dalam hal pekerjaan. Di Indonesia sendiri Bahasa inggris sudah mulai menjadi kebutuhan yang vital demi proses transisi dari negara berkembang ke negara maju rakyat Indonesia harus sadar bahwasannya Bahasa inggris menjadi hal yang utama ketika ingin berkomunikasi dengan dunia luar.

Teknologi Informasi yang beroperasi saat ini umumnya menggunakan Bahasa inggris untuk pengoperasiannya sehingga kita sebagai user sajapun harus mampu minimal menguasai Bahasa inggris secara passive dalam mengoperasikan teknologi yang kita gunakan tersebut dengan baik dan benar nantinya. Apalagi kita sebagai para pengembang ( developer ) butuh banyak sekali pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris Science karena banyak diksi atau kosakata yang harus kita kuasai ketika kita akan mendevelop suatu program. Dikarenakan pentingnya penggunaan Bahasa inggris disegala aspek teknologi informasi maka kita di “wajibkan” untuk belajar dan membiasakan diri dalam penggunaan Bahasa inggris sehari-hari untuk berkompetisi di era globalisasi ini.

0 Connectors

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada dua jenis linking words atau kata penghubung, yaitu conjuctiondan connector.

Apa itu conjunction? Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, conjunction (jamak: conjunctions) dikenal sebagai konjungsi atau kata sambung. Fungsi utamanya adalah seperti lem yang digunakan untuk menyambungkan dua atau lebih kata, kalimat, maupun klausa menjadi satu.

Contoh dari conjunction adalah:


Menurut fungsinya, conjunctions dibagi ke dalam dua kategori, yaitu: coordinating conjunctions dan subordinating conjunctions.

Selain itu, conjunction juga bisa digunakan secara berpasangan. Pasangan conjunction ini lebih sering disebut dengan correlatives.

Contoh conjunction dalam kalimat:
I tried to help the bickering neighbor, but my brother said I shouldn’t meddle with others’ business.
I was in the kitchen when I heard someone knock the door.
I don’t think I would be able to finish the cake off because I’m already full.

Apa perbedaan conjunction dengan connector?

Meski sama-sama kata penghubung, keduanya berbeda pada penggunaannya. Conjuctiondigunakan untuk menyambungkan kata, kalimat atau klausa ke dalam satu kalimat, sedangkan connector digunakan untuk menunjukan adanya hubungan antara satu kalimat dengan kalimat berikutnya.

Contoh penggunaan connector:
Accurate referencing is essential for academic work, but it isn’t because of its immediately apparent to higher education. This essay will, therefore, examine why it is important for academic writing.

Reading aloud to young children stimulates their interest in books. Similarly, visiting libraries or book fairs has been shown to increase children’s readiness to engage with print.

Connector merupakan bagian dari transition words yang menghubungkan satu kalimat dengan kalimat selanjutnya.


0 Relative Caluses

Klausa relatif atau relative clause adalah bagian kalimat yang tidak terlalu penting. Klausa relatif dapat memberikan makna tambahan. Tetapi jika dihilangkan, kalimat akan tetap memiliki tata bahasa yang benar. Ada dua jenis klausa relatif dalam bahasa Inggris. Kita sebaiknya dapat membedakan keduanya karena memengaruhi pemilihan kata ganti (pronoun) yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan klausa. Ada halaman yang lebih detail mengenai penempatan preposisi dalam klausa relatif.

Defining atau identifying clause menjelaskan orang atau benda manakah yang kita bicarakan dalam sekelompok orang atau benda yang lebih besar. Jika defining clause dihilangkan, arti dari kalimat berubah secara signifikan. Defining relative clause tidak dipisahkan oleh koma atau tanda kurung dari bagian kalimat lainnya.

The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.

Pelajari selengkapnya mengenai cara menggunakan defining relative clause dengan benar.

Non-defining atau non-essential clause memberikan informasi tentang orang atau benda yang kita bicarakan. Jika non-defining relative clause dihilangkan dari kalimat, kita akan kehilangan detailnya, tetapi arti kalimat secara keseluruhan tetap sama. Non-defining relative clause selalu dipisahkan oleh koma atau tanda kurung dari bagian kalimat lainnya.

The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.
Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
The author, who graduated from the same university I did, gave a wonderful presentation.
My mother, who is 86, lives in Paris.


0 Passive Voice, Causative Have

Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan jika subjek tidak bertanggung jawab langsung terhadap aksi yang terjadi, melainkan seseorang atau sesuatu yang lain yang melakukan aksi tersebut. Contohnya adalah : “I had my hair cut”. Subjek I pada kalimat tersebut tidak memotong rambutnya sendiri tapi justru membuat orang lain yang melakukannya. Umumnya ada empat kata kerja causative verb yang sering digunakan, yakni have, get, let, dan make.


Have merupakan kata kerja causative yang umum. Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk menginginkan seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu untuk subjek. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Kalimat aktif : S + (have/ had + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) + object. Kalimat pasif : S+(have-had)+object+action verb(V-3).

Contoh : •I had my brother take that glass (aktif)

•Mr. Setia had Lillie check the paper (aktif)

•I had my jacket cleaned yesterday (pasif)

•I had my computer fixed (pasif)


Penggunaan kata kerja Get mirip dengan have namun dengan struktur kalimat yang berbeda. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Aktif : S + (get/ got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive) Pasif : S + (got) + object + action verb (V-3)

Contoh : •He got his father to buy a ball (aktif)

•I got my jacket cleaned (pasif)

3. Let

Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk membiarkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Aktif : S + let + agent + action verb (bare infinitive)

Contoh :

•Wil you let me go now?

•She lets me drive her car

•My father lets me choose the gift

3. Make

Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk memaksa atau sangat meyakinkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Aktif : S + (make/ made) + agent + action verb (bare infinitive)

Contoh :

•The manager makes her staff work hard

•My teacher made me apologize for what I had said

•Did she makes you wear that ugly hat?


0 Adjectives & Adverbs

Adjective (kata sifat) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) yang dapat berupa orang (person), tempat (place), binatang (animal), benda atau konsep abstrak.

Adverb (kata keterangan) adalah kata yang berfungsi menerangkan kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), atau kata keterangan lainnya.

Contoh Kalimat Adjective:
My sister is not only beautiful but also tall. (Kakakku tidak hanya cantik, tapi juga tinggi.)
Tonight is very quiet and dark. (Malam ini sangat sunyi dan gelap)
I met a big gorilla in the zoo yesterday. (Aku bertemu seekor gorila yang sangat besar.)
I have some girl friends, but you are the best. (Aku mempunyai beberapa pacar, tapi kamu adalah yang terbaik).
The man who is standing on the bridge is a terrorist. (Orang yang berdiri di atas jembatanitu adalah seorang teroris).
Adverb of Manner

Adverb of manner memberi penjelasan tentang bagaimana atau dengan cara apa suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya adalah sadly, happily, bravely, hard, fast, soundly, fairly, dan seterusnya.

Contoh kalimat:
Please,go home carfully.(tolong pulang kerumah hati-hati)
The students compete fairly. (Para siswa bersaing secara adil)
I hope today is better.(saya harap hari ini makin baik)
She dances beautifully (dia menari dengan cantik)
He screams angrily to his neighbor (dia berteriak dengan marah pada tetangganya)
Adverb of Time

Adverb of time (keterangan waktu) adalah kata yang menunjuk pada kapan sesuatu terjadi atau berada. Beberapa kata yang tergolong adverb of time adalah immediately (secepatnya), then (nanti), now (sekarang), yesterday (kemarin), tommorow (besok), later (kemudian), daily (setiap hari), dan lain-lain.

Contoh kalimat:
Let’s begin to work now. (Mari kita mulai bekerja sekarang)
Ferdi always comes late. (Ferdi selalu datang terlambat)
The postman comes daily. (Tukang post datang setiap hari)
I went to Seoul last year (aku pergi ke seoul tahun lalu)
Tomorrow I will have an English exam (besok aku akan ujian bahasa inggris)

Adverb of Place

Adverb of place menerangkan tempat. Contoh adverb of place adalah here (di sini), there (di sana), below (di bawah), near (dekat), dan sebagainya.

Contoh kalimat:
My boss is out. (Bos saya sedang keluar)
Stay here. (Diam di sini)
She always looks down. (Dia selalu melihat ke bawah)
I am sitting beside my mother on the bus (aku duduk di sebelah ibuku ketika berada di bis)
I put my books below my desk (aku menyimpan bukuku dibawah meja)

Adverb of Frequency

Adverb of frequency menerangkan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Yang termasuk adverb of frequency antara lain often (sering), never (tidak pernah), frequently (kerap kali, sering), sometimes (kadang-kadang), usually (biasanya), rarely (jarang, langka), dan seldom (jarang).

Contoh kalimat:
I often forget her name. (Saya sering lupa namanya)
She seldom visits her mother. (Dia jarang mengunjungi ibunya)
I have told you twice. (Saya sudah memberitahumu dua kali)
Daniel always passes his exams (daniel selalu lulus ujian)
He is always happy (dia selalu senang)

Adverb of certainty

Adverb of certainty menerangkan keyakinan atau kepastian dari suatu hal. Contoh adverb of certainty adalah surely, obviously, definitely, probably, possibly, maybe, really, dan doubly.

Contoh kalimat:
It will probably rain tonight. (Mungkin akan hujan malam ini)
I will certainly help you. (Saya pasti akan menolong Anda)
rara is obviously very clever. (rara sudah jelas sangat pintar)
I certainly come to your wedding party (aku pasti datang pada pesta pernikahan mu)
Hitta is certainly a smart man. (Hitta jelas yang pria cerdas)
Adverb of Degree

Adverb of degree menerangkan sebarapa banyak, sejauh mana, atau pada tingkat apa sesuatu terjadi. Contoh kata yang termasuk adverb of degree adalah very (sangat), enough (cukup), rather (agak), fairly (agak), nearly (hampir), pretty (cukup), dan lain-lain.

Contoh kalimat:
He came rather late. (Dia datang agak terlambat)
She is very beautiful. (Dia sangat cantik)
kiki reads quite clearly. (kiki membaca dengan cukup jelas)
yara sings pretty well. (yara menyanyi dengan cukup baik)
The film is quite interesting (filmnya lumayan menarik)



0 Modal Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliary adalah kata kerja yang bertugas membantu kata kerja utama. Jadi Modal Auxiliary adalah kata kerja pembantu, dan kata kerja utama itu adalah “majikannya”. Contoh: I will explain about modal auxiliary. “Will” adalah kata kerja bantu yang bertugas membantu kata kerja utamanya yaitu “Explain”. Karena hanya pembantu, sehingga ketika dihilangkan tidak akan menjadi masalah dan kalimat tersebut tidak akan kehilangan makna utamanya. Tapi kalau kata kerja utamanya yang dihilangkan, maka kalimat tersebut akan kehilangan makna. Modal auxiliary hanya terdiri dari beberapa kata kerja saja. Jadi kita tidak perlu khawatir dalam memahaminya. Berikut saya jelaskan apa saja yang termasuk modal auxiliary disertai dengan contoh kalimatnya.

B. Contoh dan Fungsi Modal Auxiliary Verbs.
Pengertian, rumus, contoh kalimat dan fungsi modal auxiliary verbs

Berbicara tentang pekerjaan di masa depan,
Contoh: I won’t (will not) be in the office until 11; I’ve got a meeting
Membuat semi formal permintaan,
Contoh: Will you open the window, please? It’s very hot in here.

Untuk menawarkan sesuatu,
Contoh: Shall I fetch you another glass of wine?
Membuat kalimat saran,
Contoh:  Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

Menggambarkan pekerjaan yang mungkin terjadi. Bedanya May lebih memungkinkan terjadi (50% chance); sedangkan might lebih meragukan (mungkin hanya 30% chance).
Contoh: She may be back in her office: the lecture finished ten minutes ago.
Menunjukkan persetujuan atau izin. Jadi biasa diterjemahkan dengan arti “boleh”.
Contoh: You may go home now.

Bentuk past dari will.
Contoh: He said the next meeting would be in a month’s time.
Permintaan tolong yang lebih halus dari “will”.
Contoh: Would you like another cup of tea?

Berbicara tentang kemampuan.
Contoh: Can you speak Mandarin? (present)
She could play the piano when she was five. (past)
Membuat permintaan,
Contoh: Can you give me a ring at about 10?
Could you speak up a bit please? (slightly more formal, polite or ‘softer’)
Permohonan izin,
Contoh: Can I ask you a question?
Could I ask you a personal question? (more formal, polite or indirect)
Contoh:  If you want some help with your writing, you can come to classes, or you can get some 1:1 help.

Untuk menunjukkan sebuah kewajiban atau keharusan.
Contoh: People must try to be more tolerant of each other.
Sugesti/saran/ajakan yang kuat.
Contoh: I think you really must make more of an effort.
Menunjukkan arti “Pasti”.
Contoh: This must be the place – there’s a white car parked outside (ini pasti tempat – ada mobil putih yang diparkir di luar). Jadi must di sini artinya bukan “harus”, tapi “pasti”.

Memberi Saran.
Contoh: I think you should go for the Alfa rather than the Audi.
Kewajiban, tapi lebih lemah dari “must”.
Contoh: The equipment should be inspected regularly. (Peralatan harus diperiksa secara rutin).
Seharusnya, tapi ga terjadi.
Contoh: I should have renewed my TV licence last month, but I forgot.

Ought to punya makna yang sama dengan should, biasanya dipakai pada kalimat affirmative pada waktu present (saat ini).
Contoh: You should/ought to get your hair cut.
C. Catatan untuk Modal Auxiliary.
Tidak bisa diikuti oleh Modal yang lain. Jadi tidak boleh: I should can, kalau terpaksa, maka “can” harus diganti dengan “be able” sehingga menjadi: I should be able.
Tidak bisa berganti bentuk atau ditambahi, misalnya ditambahi “-s” atau “-ed”. Jadi tidak boleh: She cans (tetap she can sekalipun orang ketiga tunggal)
Selain Ought, modal auxiliary tidak boleh diikuti “to”. Jadi tidak boleh: You can to go, tapi harus: you can go.
Demikianlah penjelasan tentang Pengertian, Contoh dan Fungsi Modal Auxiliary Verbs. Like, twit atau komentar kamu adalah semangatku untuk terus memberikan materi bermanfaat lainnya. Terima kasih.
